Debugging, Hardware bring-up issues, Debugging -1 – Altera Arria 10 Avalon-ST User Manual
Page 259: Hardware bring-up issues -1

As you bring up your PCI Express system, you may face a number of issues related to FPGA configura‐
tion, link training, BIOS enumeration, data transfer, and so on. This chapter suggests some strategies to
resolve the common issues that occur during hardware bring-up.
Simulation Fails To Progress Beyond Polling.Active State
If your PIPE simulation cycles between the Detect.Quiet, Detect.Active, and Polling.Active LTSSM states,
the PIPE interface width may be incorrect. The width DUT top-level PIPE interface is 32 bits for Arria 10
Make the changes shown in the following table for the 32-bit PIPE interface.
Table 18-1: Changes for 32-Bit PIPE Interface
8-Bit PIPE Interface
32-Bit PIPE Interface
output wire [7:0] pcie_a10_hip_0_
output wire [31:0] pcie_a10_hip_0_hip_pipe_txdata0
input wire [7:0] pcie_a10_hip_0_
input wire [31:0] pcie_a10_hip_0_hip_pipe_rxdata0
output wire pcie_a10_simulation_
output wire [3:0] pcie_a10_simulation_inst_pcie_a10_
input wire pcie_a10_simulation_
input wire [3:0] pcie_a10_simulation_inst_pcie_a10_
Hardware Bring-Up Issues
Typically, PCI Express hardware bring-up involves the following steps:
1. System reset
2. Link training
3. BIOS enumeration
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