Altera Arria 10 Avalon-ST User Manual

Page 25

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a. The working directory shown is correct. You do not have to change it.

b. For the project name, click the browse button browse to the synthesis directory that includes your

Qsys project,


and click Choose. If the top-level design entity and Qsys

system names are identical, the Quartus II software treats the Qsys system as the top-level design


c. For What is the name of this project, select your variant name


. Then click Open. If the

top-level design entity and Qsys system names are identical, the Quartus II software treats the Qsys

system as the top-level design entity.

d. For Project Type select Empty project.

5. Click Next to display the Add Files page.

6. Complete the following steps to add the Quartus II IP File ( .qip )to the project:

a. Click the browse button. The Select File dialog box appears.

b. Browse up one level to



c. In the Files of type list, select IP Variation Files (*.qip *.sip).

d. Click


and then click Open.

e. On the Add Files page, click Add.

7. Click Next to display the Device page.

8. On the Family & Device Settings page, choose the following target device family and options:

a. In the Family list, select Arria 10 (GX/SX/GT).

b. In the Devices list, select Arria 10 All.

c. In the Devices list, select All.

d. In the Available devices list, select the appropriate device. For Arria 10 ES2 development kits, select


9. Click Next to close this page and display the EDA Tool Settings page.

10.From the Simulation list, select ModelSim


. From the Format list, select the HDL language you

intend to use for simulation.

11.Click Next to display the Summary page.

12.Check the Summary page to ensure that you have entered all the information correctly.

13.Click Finish to create the Quartus II project.

14.Before compiling, you must assign I/O standards to the pins of the device. Refer to Making Pin

Assignments to Assign I/O Standard to Serial Data Pins for instructions.

15.You must connect the


reset signal to the correcsponding


pin of the device. Refer to

the definition of


in the Reset, Status, and Link Training Signals section for more informa‐


16.Next, set the value of the


bus to a value that is compatible for hardware testing. In Qsys design

example provided,


is a top-level port.

a. Comment out the


port in the top-level Verilog generated file.

b. Add the following declaration,

wire[31:0] test_in

, to the same top-level Verilog file.

c. Assign

hip_ctrl_test_in = 32'hA8


d. Connect





Refer to the definition of


in the Test Signals section for more information about the bits of the



17.To compile your design using the Quartus II software, on the Processing menu, click Start Compila‐

tion. The Quartus II software then performs all the steps necessary to compile your design.


Compiling the Design in the Qsys Design Flow



Altera Corporation

Getting Started with the Arria 10 Hard IP for PCI Express

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