Comtrol UP DeviceMaster User Guide User Manual

Page 41

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DeviceMaster UP Modbus/TCP User Guide: 2000447 Rev. I

Chapter 2. Programming Interface - 41

Instance Attribute Definitions

Attribute 8

Device Connection
Socket Port

This is the device socket port number the DeviceMaster UP connects to if the Device
Connect Mode
is set to either Connect Always or Connect On Data.

Attribute 9

Device Connection IP

This is the device IP address the DeviceMaster UP connects to if the Device Connect
is set to either Connect Always or Connect On Data. The IP address is in
hexadecimal format. For example, an IP address of is 0A010264 in

Attribute 10

Device Idle Timeout

The idle timeout period in milliseconds that is used if the Device Disconnect Mode is
set to Disconnect On Idle.

Attribute 11

Receive Timeout
Between Packets

This attributes specifies:

How long DeviceMaster UP waits (in milliseconds) if the Receive ETX length is
not zero (0) and it does not receive an ETX byte sequence.

The time to wait (in milliseconds) between Ethernet packets if the Receive ETX
Detect length is set to zero (0).

Attribute 12

PLC IP Address

This attribute specifies the IP address in hexadecimal format for the PLC EtherNet/
IP card. For example, an IP address of is 0A010264 in hexadecimal.

Note: The Polling method does not use this attribute.

Attribute 13

Receive (DeviceMaster
UP to PLC) Ethernet
Data Transfer Method

This attribute specifies Ethernet data transfer method used by the DeviceMaster
UP for the specified socket port. Refer to Attribute 17 of the Serial Port
Configuration Object
for a detailed explanation of these methods.

Attribute 14

PLC Controller Slot

This attribute specifies the slot number on the PLC where the controller resides.
The slot numbers typically start at zero (0) for the first slot.

Note: This is generally zero for CompactLogix PLCs. The Polling method does not

use this attribute.

Attribute 15

Socket Port Data
Transfer Options

This attribute specifies the socket port transfer options. The following options are

01 Hexadecimal (Bit 0) = (PLC-5/SLC only) Receive Most Significant (MS) byte of
16 bit integer first. The default is transmit least significant (LS) byte first.

02 Hexadecimal (Bit 1) = (PLC-5/SLC only) Transmit Most Significant (MS) byte
of 16 bit integer first. The default is transmit least significant (LS) byte first.

04 Hexadecimal (Bit 2) = Tx Sequence Number Checking


DeviceMaster UP rejects messages with duplicate sequence numbers, (that
is, the same sequence number as the previous transmit data message), and
increments the Duplicate Transmit Sequence Error Count.


DeviceMaster UP transmits messages with unexpected transmit sequence
numbers, (that is, sequence numbers that are not the same as or are not
equal to the previous sequence number plus one) increments the
Unexpected Transmit Sequence Error Count.

08 Hexadecimal (Bit 3) = Disable Queuing of Non-Filtered Rx Messages to the
PLC. If filtering is disabled, only the last message received is sent to the PLC.

10 Hexadecimal (Bit 4) = Drop oversized received data packets.

Attribute 16

Maximum PLC Update

The maximum rate (or minimum time interval) in milliseconds, that messages are
sent to the PLC tag in the Write-To-Tag receive method. This attribute configures
the DeviceMaster UP to space the messages to the PLC to prevent overrunning of
data before the PLC can process it.

Attribute 17

Maximum Receive
Data Packet Size

Specifies the maximum acceptable size of a received Ethernet packet. The
maximum received Ethernet packet size is 2048 bytes while operating in Write-to-
or Write-to-Tag-File-Synced receive modes.


Description (Continued)