Status (sts) led is amber (blinking), Troubleshooting the wan, Link (lnk) led is off – Cabletron Systems HSIM-W6 User Manual
Page 217: Link (lnk) led is red, Link (lnk) led is amber
Chapter 9: Troubleshooting
HSIM-W6 User’s Guide
Status (STS) LED is AMBER (Blinking)
The HSIM-W6 is in test mode.
The HSIM-W6 is running its Power-up Diagnostic Tests.
Loopback Testing is underway on the ASYNC interface.
Troubleshooting the WAN
Link (LNK) LED is OFF
The WAN interface is not configured for operation.
Use QuickSET or Local Management to make sure that the WAN interface is configured
Link (LNK) LED is RED
The WAN interface is configured, but there is no signal indicating that a valid connection is present
on the WAN interface.
Check that the HSIM-W6 and the device at the other end of the segment are powered up.
Use QuickSET or Local Management to make sure that both WAN interfaces, local and remote,
are configured correctly.
Check to ensure that the correct cable is being used.
Check to ensure that the cable has continuity and is fully installed.
Check with the WAN Service Provider to ensure that the circuit has been configured by them
and is active.
The port is in Standby mode.
Check with the Network Administrator to see if management placed the port in Standby mode.
Ensure that the protocol that you want to run has been properly selected at both ends and the
time slots have been allocated if applicable.