Help graphic screens, 3 edit help – ACU-RITE CNC 3500i User Manual

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ACU-RITE 3500i




.3 Edit Help

Help Graphic Screens

The Edit Help allows a G-Code to be programmed using a form. The
form contains parameters for the G-Code, and a graphic parameter aid
for each.

When the 3500i activates a help graphic screen, its first entry field is
highlighted. A highlight indicates that values can be typed in an entry
field, or make the appropriate selection.

Press ENTER to move the highlight to the next entry


Press the Arrows to move the highlight between entry

fields without typing values. Touch Clear to clear an
entry field.

In the last entry field of the help graphic screen, touch


to add the block to the Program Listing.

Touch Cancel to exit without making a change.

There are two types of entry fields:

Required entry fields contain a default value placeholder. A value must
be typed in for operation of canned cycle, or other command.

If a new value is not entered for a required field, the 3500i writes the
block using the 0.0000 default. This may generate an error message
when the program runs.

Optional entry fields are blank, indicating that a value is only necessary
if needed by the specific task.

Optional entry fields do not require a value. When left blank, a default
value, or position is usually assumed.

Press the (+/-) key to insert a negative sign.

Touch the CLEAR key to clear an entry.

Remember: Using the Exit button saves all changes
made. Quit a program, and the changes are not saved.