Drill cycle: boring unidirectional, Drill cycle: chip break, Drill cycle: flat bottom boring – ACU-RITE CNC 3500i User Manual
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ACU-RITE 3500i
.1 CAM Pr
Drill Cycle: Boring Unidirectional
A unidirectional boring cycle is a boring cycle that allows the X-axis
to back off the bore surface after the spindle has stopped and
oriented itself. The cycle feeds from the Start Height to Z depth,
dwell for the specified time, stop and orient the spindle to the
specified Index Angle, back off in X, rapid retract in Z, re-position in
X, and restart the spindle.
Drill Cycle: Chip Break
A chip-breaker peck drilling cycle is generally used to peck drill
medium to deep holes. The cycle feeds from the Start Height to the
First Peck depth in Z, rapid retracts the chip Break Increment, feeds
to the next calculated peck depth (initial peck less Peck Decrement),
and continues this sequence until it reaches a Retract Depth, or until
Z Depth is reached.
This cycle enables optimum drilling conditions for holes. For
maximum efficiency in deep hole drilling, set parameters to
accommodate the material and tool types used. Generally, the
deeper the hole, the smaller the Peck Decrement. This prevents the
binding of chips, tool, and work piece. Set Retract Depth to retract
the drill completely at set depth intervals.
Drill Cycle: Flat Bottom Boring
A flat bottom boring cycle is generally used to program a pass in
each direction with a dwell at the bottom. The tool feeds from the
Start Height to Z depth, dwells for specified time, then feeds to the
Return Height.