Cam setup, Selection tab, Output tab – ACU-RITE CNC 3500i User Manual

Page 339: Selection tab: output tab, 10 .1 cam pr ogr a mming

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ACU-RITE 3500i




.1 CAM Pr




CAM Setup

The Setup button, opens the CAM Setup dialogue. There are four tabs
in this dialogue used for setting up the CAM program. Preferences,
required values, and parameters are input here.

Selection tab:

Start Shape: Default value is 1. The starting shape number during
shape selection.

Chaining Accuracy: Accuracy parameter for chaining geometry
objects during shape selection. Default value is 0.000100.

Picking Accuracy: Accuracy parameter for selecting geometry
objects with mouse. Default value is 6.000000 pixels.

Geometry Tolerance: Accuracy parameter for geometry tolerance
for internal geometry creation algorithms. Default value is 0.010000.

Output tab:

Output Dimensions: Determines to output position values as either
absolute or incremental. Default value is Absolute.

Output Warnings: Output warnings as comments when generating
program. Default value is No.

Output Resolution: Output resolution in positions after decimal
point when generating program. Default value is 4.

Program Name: Program name to use when generating program.
Default value is the name of the program currently active.

Auto Generate: Automatically generate program when CAM exits.
Default value is Yes.

Overwrite Program: Automatically overwrite the program when
saving file and not prompt to overwrite. Default value is Yes.

Shift X: Shifts all shape and tool path X values by the entered
amount in the CNC program.

Shift Y: Shifts all shape and tool path Y values by the entered
amount in the CNC program.

Auto Block Form: If checked it will automatically calculate an
estimated block form toolpath when creating a program, but only if
a block form toolpath is not manually programmed. Default is on.