Pocket and islands example, Pocket/island example 1, 4 sub-pr ogr ams – ACU-RITE CNC 3500i User Manual
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ACU-RITE 3500i
4 Sub-pr
Pocket and Islands example
The pocketing and islands features are very powerful programming
features that provide the user the ability to program the machining of
parts from a simplified nature, to a very complex design. By providing
examples of using these features, the user can better understand, and
take advantage of these features.
The following examples consist of a sample program, an explanation
of the key blocks in the program, and accompanying graphics showing
the expected result in the line view, and 3D solid graphics display.
These examples do not necessarily reflect actual cutting conditions.
An estimated machining time is given at the end of each program. The
machining time is only for reference and to illustrate the benefit of
some features; for example, the coarse tool feature.
These example programs have been created using conversational
Pocket/Island example 1
This example shows a rectangular pocket with an island in the center.
The island is in the form of a diamond. The cutting tool is a ¼“
diameter end mill.