Display tab, Tool table tab, Display tab: tool table tab – ACU-RITE CNC 3500i User Manual
Page 340: 10 .1 cam pr ogr a mming
10 CAM: Programming
.1 CAM Pr
Display tab:
Shape Color: Color to display shapes. Default value is Yellow.
Shape First Color: Color of the first geometry object of a shape.
Default value is White.
Default Color: Color of all geometry objects. Default value is Cyan.
Highlight Color: Color of geometry objects that are highlighted.
Default value is Yellow.
Side Indicator Color: Color of the shape machining side indicator.
Default value is Yellow.
Mouse Pos Resolution: Positions after decimal point to display for
mouse positions in top header bar. Default value is 3.
Grid Size: Size of the grid to display. Default value is 1.
Show Shape IDs?: Show the shape ID numbers in the display.
Default value is No.
Tool Table tab: