Hunt groups, Opentrunk technology – Avaya Cajun P882 User Manual

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Cajun P550R/P880/P882 Switch User Guide

Introduction to the Cajun P550R/P880/P882 Switch


Figure 1-3. Flooding Domain

Hunt Groups

Hunt groups allow you to aggregate bandwidth from multiple ports
so they act as one high-bandwidth switch port. Hunt groups create
multi-gigabit pipes to transport traffic through the highest traffic
areas of your network. You can create hunt groups that interoperate
with other vendor’s equipment (for example, Cisco’s Etherchannel
and Sun’s Quad Adapter).

OpenTrunk Technology

All three switches are delivered as a plug-and-play IEEE 802.1D
standard bridge, but support several VLAN tagging schemes. This
makes the switch highly interoperable in existing networks because:

Any port can be a trunk port.

Ports have configurable VLAN tagging on a per-port basis.

Ports process a number of popular VLAN tagging schemes,
including major vendors’ proprietary schemes.

The following are features of Open Trunk Technology:

Virtual Bridging

Frame Classification




