Avaya Cajun P882 User Manual
Page 13

Cajun P550R/P880/P882 Switch User Guide
Creating IPX Static Routes Using the CLI 12-11
Deleting IPX Static Routes 12-11
Deleting IPX Static Routes Using the Web Agent 12-11
Deleting IPX Static Routes Using the CLI 12-11
Modifying IPX Static Routes 12-12
Modifying IPX Static Routes Using the Web Agent 12-12
Modifying IPX Static Routes Using the CLI 12-12
Creating IPX Static Services 12-13
Creating IPX Static Services Using the Web Agent 12-13
Creating IPX Static Services Using the CLI 12-14
Deleting IPX Static Service 12-15
Deleting IPX Static Service Using the Web Agent 12-15
Deleting IPX Static Service Using the CLI 12-15
Modifying IPX Static Service 12-15
Modifying IPX Static Service Using the Web Agent 12-15
Modifying IPX Static Service Using the CLI 12-16
Monitoring Your Switch Using IPX 12-16
Examine IPX Global Statistics 12-16
Examine IPX Global Statistic Using the Web Agent 12-16
Examine IPX Global Statistic Using the CLI 12-18
Search the IPX Route Table 12-19
Examine the IPX Route Table 12-20
Examine IPX Route Table Statistics 12-21
Search the IPX Service Table 12-21
Examine the IPX Service Table 12-23
Examine IPX Service Table Statistics 12-24
Chapter 13 — Configuring IPX RIP Protocol 13-1
Overview 13-1
Configuring Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX) Routing Inter-
face Protocol (RIP) Interfaces 13-1
Configuring IPX RIP Interfaces Using the Web Agent 13-1
Configuring IPX RIP Interfaces Using the CLI 13-3
Creating and Modifying IPX RIP Filters 13-3
Creating and Modifying IPX RIP Filters Using the Web Agent
Creating and Modifying IPX RIP Filters Using the CLI 13-7
Chapter 14 — Configuring IPX SAP Protocol 14-1
Overview 14-1
Configuring Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX) Service Adver-
tising Protocol (SAP) Interfaces 14-1
Configuring IPX SAP Interfaces Using the Web Agent 14-1
Configuring IPX SAP Interfaces Using the CLI 14-3
Creating IPX SAP Filters 14-4
Creating IPX SAP Name Filters 14-4
Creating IPX SAP Name Filters Using the Web Agent 14-4
Creating IPX SAP Name Filters Using the CLI 14-7