Avaya Cajun P882 User Manual
Page 535

Cajun P550/P880/P882 Switch User Guide
Supported MIB Groups
you are copying from.
the 'genOpServerIP' should be set to NULL,
the 'genOpProtocolType' should be set to
localSWFileCopy -- (using a 'genOpType' of
The 'genOpDestIndex' should be set to the 'genAppFileId' of
the software File
you are copying to (if one does not exist you'll need to
RowCreate it in the
the 'genOpSourceIndex' should be set to the 'genAppFileId'
of the software File
you are copying from.
the 'genOpServerIP' should be set to NULL,
the 'genOpProtocolType' should be set to
localConfigFileCopy -- (using a 'genOpType' of
The 'genOpDestIndex' should be set to the 'genAppFileId' of
the config File
you are copying to (if one does not exist you'll need to
RowCreate it in the
'genAppFileTable') or ZERO (0) if copying to a localServer,