Avaya Cajun P882 User Manual
Page 526

Supported MIB Groups
Cajun P550/P880/P882 Switch User Guide
-- Avaya Inc. grants vendors, end-users, and other interested parties
-- a non-exclusive license to use this Specification in connection
-- with the management of Avaya Technologies products.
-- This Specification is supplied "as is," and Avaya Inc. makes
-- no warranty, either express or implied, as to the use,
-- operation, condition, or performance of the Specification.
-- Overview:
-- The Load MIB defines upload, download and copy of application
-- and configuration information.
-- The genOperations group
-- Each row in the genOpTable represents an operation that this
system can
-- perform. A walk of this table should provide an list of available
-- that can be performed by the system. The genOpTable contains
all configuration
-- information nessary to perform upload, download, and copy
operations within the
-- system. Source, Destination, operational trigger, opertional
status and error
-- logging information is contained on a per row basis (each row
again representing
-- an operation that this table can perform.
-- The genApplication Group
-- Table of Application (FILE) entries. Each row uniquely defines
an application