Swan line, Attributes, Line $zzwan – HP NonStop G-Series User Manual
Page 203: Logical, Actions, External loopback test, Start dlc task, Stop dlc task, Line $zzwan logical, Wan lines
s and SWAN 2 CLIPs. Every CLIP has two lines, which represent the ports on the
Location in OSM Tree: System > SWAN Collection > SWAN > CLIP > Line
Example: Line $ZZWAN.#SWAN2.1.0
Displayed in the Attributes tab and Attributes dialog box only if the value is something
other than OK.
Service State
The name of the WAN device associated with the line.
Example: $TP6S1
If no device is configured, "FREE" is shown.
Device Name
The name of the data link control (DLC) task associated with the line.
Format: adapter name.clip number.DLC line number
Example: $ZZWAN.#D08XE5.1.DLC0
DLC Task Name
The state of the data link control (DLC) task associated with the line as known to the
operating system.
Values: Starting, Started, Stopped, Unknown, and Indeterminate (CLIP is
DLC Task State
External Loopback Test
Performs the external loopback firmware diagnostic test.
Start DLC Task
Starts the data link control (DLC) task associated with the SWAN Line. When the Start action completes, the task is
in the Started State.
Stop DLC Task
Stops the data link control (DLC) task associated with the SWAN Line. When the Stop action completes, the task is
in the Stopped State. Device objects already using the task are not affected by this action, but subsequent attempts
to download tasks will fail.