Teledyne LeCroy Merlin II - Users Manual User Manual

Page 89

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Merlin II Protocol Analyzer User’s Manual


SW Version 2.50

This value specifies how long Merlin II should perform the Inquiry process
for the General (unlimited) and Dedicated (limited) recording modes. After
the specified time has elapsed, Merlin II will illuminate the trigger light on
the front of the analyzer.

Initial De-whitening State

De-Whiten On -- Turns on De-Whitening

De-Whiten Off -- Turns off De-Whitening

This setting controls the initial de-whitening state.

If " De-Whitening Off" is selected, Merlin II will try to synchronize without
de-whitening the received packets, and assume that they were transmitted

If " De-Whitening On" is selected, Merlin II will use received packets to try
to synchronize while it is performing a de-whitening process that complies
with Bluetooth specifications.

This setting controls the initial state for the synchronization. After Merlin
II has synchronized to the piconet, it will try to follow changes in the
whitening scheme and dynamically track whitened and non-whitened

In case a recording was stopped and you want to restart a recording session
of the same piconet, you should remember that Merlin II might still be
synchronized to the same piconet. As Merlin II dynamically follows
whitening scheme changes, it will not use the initial de-whitening state.
However, if you want to force an initial de-whitening state, check the "Force
Re-Synchronization" flag.

Sync Window

The Sync Window slide bar controls the amount of time that Merlin II
should wait between receiving an Inquiry Response (which will cause the
Sync LED to blink) and detecting Master-Slave piconet traffic (which will
cause the Sync LED to turn solid.)

A "Narrow" setting means that the wait time will be minimal, a "Wide"
setting means it will be "maximal." The default is "Narrow" and this is
suitable for most recordings. However, if significant drift occurs between
Merlin II’s clock and that of the Master, Merlin II may not be able to sync
properly to the piconet. Under these conditions, you should move the slide
bar towards the "Wide" Setting. The slide bar has five discrete settings.