Connecting the breakout board, Configuring the analyzer for the breakout board – Teledyne LeCroy Merlin II - Users Manual User Manual

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Merlin II Protocol Analyzer User’s Manual


SW Version 2.50

Connecting the Breakout Board

The photograph above shows a fully connected Merlin II.

The following connections can be seen: Left: Power supply connected to
the power port on the analyzer. Center: Mini DIN cable leading to Port 1
of the breakout board. USB cable leading to an offscreen PC. Right: BNC
cable leading from the Breakout board to an offscreen device on the left.

Configuring the Analyzer for the Breakout Board

To configure the analyzer for the breakout board, see section "Save External
Interface Signals" on page 68, and se
ction "External Input Signals" on page

Merlin II with power supply (left) and Breakout board (right).