Replacing the absolute data retention battery, Appendix, List of supported actuator specifications – IAI America RCP2-CF User Manual
Page 11: Example of basic rcp2 positioning sequence, Change history
The actuator moves only a half of, or twice as much as, the specified movement............. 135
A servo error occurred while the actuator was moving (ROBO Gripper). ........................... 135
Abnormal operation results when the servo is turned ON after the power ON. .................. 136
Abnormal noise is heard from a controller of absolute specification upon completion of home return.
............................................................................................................................................. 136
Function Check and Replacement of the Radiating Fan .................137
Replacing the Absolute Data Retention Battery ...............................139
List of Supported Actuator Specifications..................................................141
Example of Basic RCP2 Positioning Sequence ........................................151
Recording of Position-Data Table........................................................................................................... 154
Recording of Parameters ....................................................................................................................... 156