RAD Data comm HCD-E1 User Manual

Page 52

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Chapter 2 - Installation and Setup


Installation & Operation Manual


Installation and Setup

11/12/00 10:36

Switch section 3 – DEF SP.

This section selects the source of the

control port parameters:


HCD-E1 uses the default parameters stored in its
program EPROM. For the default values, see Table 3-4
in Chapter 3.


HCD-E1 uses the parameters stored in the database.

HCD-E1 is shipped with section 3 set at OFF.

Switch section 4 – PASSWD.

To prevent unauthorized personnel from

using the HCD-E1 supervision program, you can use password
protection with a password, consisting of up to eight alphanumeric
characters. HCD-E1 is delivered with a default password, HCD, but
normally the password is selected by the user.


HCD-E1 uses the default password.


HCD-E1 uses the user-selected password.

HCD-E1 is shipped with section 4 set at OFF.


You can make HCD-E1 temporarily use default values of the password

(control port parameters) without erasing the user-selected values from the

database. To do this, set the PASSWD (DEF SP) section to ON, leaving DB

INIT at OFF and turn the unit on. Then, when you turn HCD-E1 off, reset the

appropriate section to OFF and turn the unit on again, HCD-E1 will use the

user-selected parameters.

R/C Function Selection Jumper, JP4
The jumper JP4 (R/C) is used to select the function of the HCD-E1 unit:


HCD-E1 operates as a central unit (LTU).


HCD-E1 operates as a remote unit (NTU).

HCD-E1 is shipped with the jumper set at C.

FGND/GND Jumper, JP8
The FGND/GND jumper is used to control the connection between the
internal signal ground and the frame ground.


Ground is shorted to the frame ground.


Ground is not shorted to the frame ground.

HCD-E1 is shipped with the jumper set at ON.