5 tcsr inverter (inv) bit 8, Tcsr inverter (inv) bit 8 -9, Table 11-4 – Freescale Semiconductor DSP56366 User Manual

Page 239: Inverter (inv) bit operation -9, Inverted and

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Timer/Event Counter Programming Model

DSP56366 24-Bit Digital Signal Processor User Manual, Rev. 4

Freescale Semiconductor


TCSR Inverter (INV) Bit 8

The INV bit affects the polarity of the incoming signal on the TIO0 input signal and the polarity of the
output pulse generated on the TIO0 output signal. The effects of the INV bit are summarized in

Table 11-4


This bit is not in use for timers 1 and 2. It should be left cleared.

The INV bit is cleared by the hardware RESET signal or the software RESET instruction.

Table 11-4 Inverter (INV) Bit Operation


TIO0 Programmed as Input

TIO0 Programmed as Output

INV = 0

INV = 1

INV = 0

INV = 1


GPIO signal on the TIO0
signal read directly

GPIO signal on the TIO0
signal inverted

Bit written to GPIO put on
TIO0 signal directly

Bit written to GPIO

inverted and

put on

TIO0 signal


Counter is incremented on
the rising edge of the
signal from the TIO0 signal

Counter is incremented on
the falling edge of the
signal from the TIO0 signal


Counter is incremented on
the rising edge of the
signal from the TIO0 signal

Counter is incremented on
the falling edge of the
signal from the TIO0 signal

TCRx output put on TIO0
signal directly

TCRx output inverted and
put on TIO0 signal


Counter is incremented on
the rising edge of the
signal from the TIO0 signal

Counter is incremented on
the falling edge of the
signal from the TIO0 signal


Width of the high input
pulse is measured.

Width of the low input pulse
is measured.


Period is measured
between the rising edges
of the input signal.

Period is measured
between the falling edges
of the input signal.


Event is captured on the
rising edge of the signal
from the TIO0 signal

Event is captured on the
falling edge of the signal
from the TIO0 signal


Pulse generated by the
timer has positive polarity

Pulse generated by the
timer has negative polarity


Pulse generated by the
timer has positive polarity

Pulse generated by the
timer has negative polarity


Pulse generated by the
timer has positive polarity

Pulse generated by the
timer has negative polarity