1 dax audio data register empty (xade)-bit 0, 2 dax transmit underrun error flag (xaur)-bit 1, 3 dax block transfer flag (xblk)-bit 2 – Freescale Semiconductor DSP56366 User Manual

Page 224: 4 xstr reserved bits-bits 3-23, Dax audio data register empty (xade)—bit 0 -8, Dax transmit underrun error flag (xaur)—bit 1 -8, Dax block transfer flag (xblk)—bit 2 -8, Xstr reserved bits—bits 3–23 -8, Figure 10-3, Dax relative timing -8

background image

DAX Internal Architecture

DSP56366 24-Bit Digital Signal Processor User Manual, Rev. 4


Freescale Semiconductor

DAX Audio Data Register Empty (XADE)—Bit 0

The XADE status flag indicates that the DAX audio data register XADR and the audio data buffer
XADBUFA are empty (and ready to receive the next frame’s audio data). This bit is set at the beginning
of every frame transmission (more precisely, when channel A audio data is transferred from XADBUFA
to XADSR). When XADE is set and the interrupt is enabled (XDIE = 1), an audio data register empty
interrupt request is sent to the DSP core. XADE is cleared by writing two channels of audio data to XADR.

DAX Transmit Underrun Error Flag (XAUR)—Bit 1

The XAUR status flag is set when the DAX audio data buffers XADBUFA or XADBUFB are empty and
the respective audio data upload occurs. When a DAX underrun error occurs, the previous frame data will
be retransmitted in both channels. When XAUR is set and the interrupt is enabled (XUIE = 1), an underrun
error interrupt request is sent to the DSP core. This allows programmers to write an exception handling
routine for this special case. The XAUR bit is cleared by reading the XSTR register with XAUR set,
followed by writing two channels of audio data to XADR.

DAX Block Transfer Flag (XBLK)—Bit 2

The XBLK flag indicates that the frame being transmitted is the last frame in a block. This bit is set at the
beginning of the transmission of the last frame (the 191st frame). This bit does not cause any interrupt.
However, if XBIE=1 it causes a change in the interrupt vector sent to DSP core in the event of an audio
data register empty interrupt, so that a different interrupt routine can be called (providing the next
non-audio data structures for the next block as well as storing audio data for the next frame). Writing two
channels of audio data to XADR clears this bit.

The relative timing of transmit frames and XADE and XBLK flags is shown in

Figure 10-3


Figure 10-3 DAX Relative Timing

XSTR Reserved Bits—Bits 3–23

These XSTR bits are reserved. They read as 0, and should be written with 0 to ensure compatibility with
future device versions.

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