11 silence alarms or troubles, 12 reset alarms, 13 check detector through point status – Honeywell INTELLIKNIGHT 5820XL User Manual

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IntelliKnight 5820XL Installation Manual



2. Select

for Dialer Test. The screen will display “Manual dialer test started”.

When the test is completed, you will be returned to the .

8.5.11 Silence alarms or troubles


and enter your code or rotate the key at the prompt. If an external

silence switch has been installed, activating the switch will silence alarms or troubles.
If you are already using system menus when you press

, you will not need to

enter your code or rotate the key.

Note: Alarm and trouble signals that have been silenced but the detector remains un-restored will un-

silence every 24 hours until it is restored.

8.5.12 Reset alarms


and enter your code or rotate the key at the prompt. If an external reset

switch has been installed, activating the switch will reset alarms. If you are already
using system menus when you press

, you will not need to enter your code or

rotate the key.

8.5.13 Check Detector Through Point Status

The control panel constantly monitors smoke detectors to ensure that sensitivity
levels are in compliance with NFPA 72.

If sensitivity for a detector is not in compliance, the panel goes into trouble,
generating a CAL TRBLE condition. A detector enters a CAL MAINT state to indicate
that it is approaching an out of compliance condition (but is currently still in

When a CAL TRBLE condition occurs, the central station receives a detector trouble
report (“373” + Zone # for Contact ID format; “FT” + Zone # in SIA format).

To check sensitivity for an individual detector, follow the steps below. Section 8.5.19
provides instructions for printing the status of all detectors in the system.

1. From the Main Menu, press

for Point Functions.

2. Press

for Point Status.

3. Select the module where the point you want to check is located.

4. Enter the number of the point you want to check and press
