1 trouble events, 1 trouble events -37 – Honeywell INTELLIKNIGHT 5820XL User Manual
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IntelliKnight 5820XL Installation Manual
151209 Trouble Events
You can map certain system trouble events to an output group. To access the screen
for selecting output groups and cadence patterns for system trouble events.
6. Press
for Trouble Events. A screen similar to the one in Figure 7-14 will dis-
play. Select a group and a cadence pattern for each event as needed for your
application. The U: field is for a user-specified trouble condition. You can program
an output group and cadence pattern for any of the following events:
Figure 7-14 System Trouble Event Mapping Example
Low battery condition.
Gnd Flt
Ground fault.
Phone Ln
Phone Line 1 or 2 trouble.
Account trouble; cannot report to account.
Printer trouble. (Currently not supported; do not select.)
Aux Pwr
Auxiliary power trouble.
Sys SW
Trouble with a system switch.
Group Tr
Trouble with an output group.
SBUS communication trouble.
SBUS power trouble.
SLC Loop
Trouble on the SLC loop.
AC Loss
AC power lost.