7 system options, 1 reporting account, System options -30 – Honeywell INTELLIKNIGHT 5820XL User Manual
Page 155: 1 reporting account -30, Section 7.7 for det, N 7.7.1
System Options
This section of the manual explains how to customize software options that affect
general operation of the system. This includes such items as: AC loss hours, system
clock options, holidays schedule, telephone and reporting account options. Refer to
each individual subsection for complete instructions.
Reporting Account
Up to four reporting accounts can be used with the control panel. Events in accounts
are reported by zone.
Each account is assigned an up-to-6-digit account number. Each account is also
assigned a unique ID (1-4) which determines the priority for reporting (“1” has the
highest priority; “4” has the lowest).
Disable any unused accounts by selecting “N” for all events (see Figure 7-12). If the
system is local only (does not connect to a central station), disable all events for all
four reporting accounts.
Options for each account can be customized. These options appear on the Reporting
Accounts screen. Some related options appear on the Phone Lines screen (see
Section 7.7.2).
To access the Reporting Accounts screen:
1. Enter the installer code.
2. Press
to display the main menu.
3. Select
for Program Menu.
4. From the Program Menu, select
for System Options.
5. From the next menu, select
for Reporting Accounts.