Plc text window, Error messages, 4 plc text window – HEIDENHAIN TNC 335 Technical Manual User Manual

Page 218: 5 error messages

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TNC 360

6 Display and Operation


6.3.9 Generating NC blocks with the actual-position-capture key

MP7225 was introduced to permit automatic generation of NC blocks in the "Programming and
editing" mode of operation. In plain language dialog (not in ISO programming), the actual-position-
capture key can generate a positioning block with up to 3 axes, without feed rate, radius
compensation or M functions. This positioning block is inserted behind the block currently selected
in the "Programming and editing" mode. The actual positions are transferred to memory as nominal
position values. The axis is selected with the dialog "AXIS SELECTION" in the MOD mode of
operation. Here up to 3 of 4 axes can be selected by pressing the desired axis keys.

The PLC marker M2829 can also generate a block. The marker is reset by the NC.

MP 7225

Generating blocks with the "ACTUAL POSITION CAPTURE" key
Input: 0 to 3
0 = no block generation possible
1 = block generation with the "ACTUAL POSITION CAPTURE" key
2 = block generation with M2829




NC block generation



6.4 PLC text window

The PLC can display a text above the status line for the circle center. The text length is 16
characters or 32 small characters.

Word W602 causes the text to be displayed.

W 602

A text is displayed in the PLC text window

Bit 0 to 7:

Number of PLC error text/dialog
(0 to 199)

Bit 8 to 11:

0000 = Erase display
0001 = Normal display
1111= Inverse display

Bit 12 to 13:

00 = Erase display
01 = Display with small characters
10 = Display with normal characters

Bit 14 to 15:


The text display for PLC Trace (PCTR) was placed up next to * for “Control in operation“ if the actual
value display is small.

6.5 Error messages

Under certain conditions error messages from the NC or the PLC will be displayed on the screen
under the display for the operating mode. Non-flashing error messages can be canceled with the CE
key. In the event of a flashing error message the machine must be switched off and the fault
corrected. If a non-flashing error message is displayed on the screen, marker M2190 will be set.

The machine tool builder determines the conditions under which the PLC will produce error
messages. Up to 100 different PLC error messages can be generated.