Setting derived timing options, Derived timing menu, Enable/disable derived timing – Verilink 8100A (34-00237) Product Manual User Manual

Page 184: Enable/disable derived timing debug messages, Setting derived timing options -110, Derived timing menu -110

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8 0 0 0 S e r i e s


Select “D” to restart PPP after receipt of a TERM REQ from the upstream
router only when the IAD is ready to send data upstream.


Select “I” to immediately restart PPP upon receipt of a TERM REQ from
the upstream router.

Setting Derived Timing Options

Use the Derived Timing options to enable and disable Derived Timing.

Derived Timing Menu

To configure Derived Timing settings, type “T” (Telephony Clock Recovery)
on the Main menu (Figure 2.2), which will bring up the Derived Timing menu
(Figure 4.116).

Figure 4.116

Derived Timing Menu

Each of the options on this menu is described in detail below.

Enable/Disable Derived Timing

When Derived Timing is enabled, the IAD adjusts its clock source based on
the arrival rate of voice packets.

To enable or disable derived timing, follow these steps:


Type “1” on the Derived Timing menu. The IAD displays the current
setting and prompts you to change it:


Type “Y” to change the current setting. The IAD saves the configuration
and then displays the Derived Timing menu.


Press Escape to return to the Main menu.


Reset the IAD.

Enable/Disable Derived Timing Debug Messages

Type “2” on the Derived Timing menu to enable or disable Derived Timing
debug messages.