Verilink 8100A (34-00237) Product Manual User Manual

Page 146

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Variant/Interface Management

Use of commands in the Variant/Interface Management menu is reserved for
use by Verilink network engineers only.

Figure 4.86

Variant/Interface Management Menu

The remaining options on the AAL2/LES CCS-ELCP Configuration menu
provide for display and control of the following parameters:

PSTN NPL Parameters (pulse signal duration types)

Static CID Allocation (enabled or disabled)

User State Control (enabled or disabled)

Combined Use Timer (enabled or disabled)

Manual ATM Pace Control (enabled or disabled)

These parameters are network-service-provider specific and should be set
according to the provider’s requirements.

When you make changes to the Pulse Signals, you must perform a “Save NPL
Parameters” for the IAD to permanently save the changes. The pulse signals
are placed in the file named NPL.DAT. To return the IAD to default pulse
signals, delete the file.

You may enable Static CID Allocation when the channel IDs for each call are
statically assigned based on the port number. Static CID allocation is
sometimes used in a network with a Lucent gateway.

You may enable User State Control for some networks to signal the CO for
fax or modem tone detection.

The Combined Use Timer specifies the number of milliseconds to delay
before sending out a partially full AAL2 packet. A value of zero indicates that
each voice packet should be transmitted immediately in its own AAL2 cell. A
non-zero value indicates the number of milliseconds to wait for additional
AAL2 voice payload on another channel before transmitting a partially full
AAL2 cell.

You may use Manual ATM Pace Control to limit the bandwidth used for the
AAL2 PVC by the pace controller to only the bandwidth needed for active
calls and necessary signaling. When this feature is enabled, the audio bit rate
margin is used to calculate the required bandwidth per active call. For
example, a margin of 5 percent would allocate 5 percent more bandwidth than
the minimum necessary for the call payload. The minimum signaling bit rate
is the amount of bandwidth to reserve for signaling on the AAL2 PVC when
Manual ATM Pace Control is used.