Verilink 8100A (34-00237) Product Manual User Manual

Page 142

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Type “A” to display the JetStream Voice Gateway statistics report.

Display Error Stats

Type “B” to display the JetStream Voice Gateway error statistics.

Ring Test

This command is reserved for use by Verilink network engineers only.

Display IAD State

Type “S” on the Call Control Settings menu (Figure 4.78) to display the on
hook state for each port. The IAD displays the following information:


This option for use by JetStream or Verilink network engineers to configure
Trace settings.

Pick Sound Heard if

Insufficient WAN B/W

to Complete Call


Type “V” on the Call Control Settings (Figure 4.78) menu to select the
type of dial tone heard by the telephone user if there is insufficient WAN
bandwidth to complete a call. The IAD displays the Insufficient Bandwidth
Indication Setting menu (Figure 4.79) and the current setting: