G. common equipment status – Comtech EF Data SDM-650B User Manual
Page 332

Trojan Interface
SDM-650B Satellite Modem
Rev. 5
G. Common Equipment Status
The common equipment status command causes a block of data to be returned which
indicates the status of the common equipment.
Response: >add/CES_”cr” Monitor & Control Module (OK/FLT) REF_xxx”cr” Interface Reference Clock (OK/FLT) OVFL_xxx”cr” Doppler Buffer overflow (OK/FLT) UNFL_xxx”cr” Doppler Buffer underflow (OK/FLT) BAT_xxx”cr” battery (OK/FLT) PS1_xxx”cr” +5V power supply (OK/FLT) PS2_xxx”cr” +12V power supply (OK/FLT) PS3_xxx”cr” -12V power supply (OK/FLT) MODE_xxxxxx”cr” Mode (LOCAL or REMOTE) SW_x.xxx”cr” Software Version SFLT_xx”cr””lf”] Number of stored faults logged (0 to 10) G. Bit Error Rate Status G. Raw BER Command: Response: >add/RBER_nnnnE-4”cr””lf”] Where: nnnn = RBER or < 1.0 (lower limit). Example: Command: <123/RBER_”cr” Response: >123/RBER_152E-4”cr””lf”] RBER = 0.0152 errors/bit
Request Raw BER from modem 123.
Note: “No Data” is returned if no carrier is detected (decoder not locked).