B.2.4.7 sweep reacquisition, B.2.4.8 fast acquisition mode – Comtech EF Data SDM-650B User Manual
Page 219

SDM-650B Satellite Modem
Remote Control Operation
Rev. 6
B.2.4.7 Sweep Reacquisition
This command is used to specify time duration of the reacquisition mode.
The sweep is reduced to
2500 Hz of the last known lock point. Use of this function may
reduce reacquisition times at low data rates.
To inhibit the sweep reacquisition mode, set “SR” to 0 seconds.
Response: >add/SR_xxx”cr””lf”] >add/SR_xxx”cr””lf”] Where: xxx = 0 to 999 (number of seconds). B.2.4.8 Fast Acquisition Mode This command is used to enable or disable fast acquisition and directed sweep modes of • “SCF_” (sweep center frequency) Command: Response: >add/FAM_xxx”cr””lf”] >add/FAM_xxx”cr””lf”] Where: xxx = ON or OFF (OFF disables fast acquisition and directed sweep modes).
Status Only:
When fast acquisition is enabled, the fast acquisition algorithm (which requires hardware
calibration) is used for acquisition of receive symbol rates of 128 kbit/s or lower.
However, if the sweep range is set to less than 50 kHz, acquisition will be dictated by the
directed sweep specifications, and the fast acquisition algorithm will not be used.
The directed sweep functions are also available when fast acquisition is enabled. Directed
sweep provides three commands for manipulating the acquisition process. These
commands are:
• “SWR_” (sweep range)
• “SD_” (sweep direction)
Status Only: