B. demodulator/decoder configuration status – Comtech EF Data SDM-650B User Manual
Page 233

SDM-650B Satellite Modem
Remote Control Operation
Rev. 6
B. Demodulator/Decoder Configuration Status
The Demodulator/Decoder configuration status command causes a block of data to be
returned by the addressed modem. The block of data reflects the current configuration of
the demod.
Response: >add/DCS_”cr” Demodulator Frequency DR_nnn_mmmm.m”cr” Demodulator Data Rate ADRA_nnn_mmmm.m”cr” Filter “A” Assignment ADRB_nnn_mmmm.m”cr” Filter “B” Assignment ADRC_nnn_mmmm.m”cr” Filter “C” Assignment ADRD_nnn_mmmm.m”cr” Filter “D” Assignment DE_xxx”cr” Descrambler Enable (ON/OFF) RFL_xxx”cr” RF Loopback (ON/OFF) BERT_xxxx”cr” BER Threshold SR_xxx”cr” Sweep Reacquisition (seconds) IFL_xxx”cr” IF Loopback (ON/OFF) (See Note) SCF_snnnnn”cr” Sweep Center Frequency (See Note) SWR_nnnnn”cr” Sweep Width (See Note) SD_s”cr” Sweep Direction FAM_xxx”cr” Fast Acquisition Mode ADRV_nnn.mmmm.m”cr””lf”] Demodulator Variable Rate Assignment (Variable Rate Option Only)
Note: “SCF_”, “SWR_”, and “SD_” responses are returned only when fast acquisition is
enabled. See the “FAM_” command definition.