Avery Dennison Monarch 9864 Description of Commands User Manual

Page 110

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10/07 Rev. AA





A = TTX 600 --TLX 604 – Eagle B = TTX 300 Offline -- Cobra Offline D = TTX 300 Online –TTX 207 -- Cobra Online – Da Capo
E = TTX 450/650/674/675/950/1050 – Puma/Puma plus/Lion/Lion plus/Tiger/Tiger XXL -- S45/65/95/105 -- TDI/STDI/XXTREME
G = TTX 350 – Ocelot – TTK – Texxtile H = 64-xx –Chess x –TT4 – DPM – PEM – ALX 92x – AP 4.4/5.4



c = C

A check digit according to Module 10 is calculated and printed.


u = (void) as u = W.

= W

(Default setting) No update. The time is read into the variable once. This is
done during the compilation of the layout.

= U

The time is read repeatedly during the running print job. This happens
immediately after printing the relevant output field (#VW…), but counts only
for the same field on the next label.

The setting is not suitable for dispensers.

Reason: If the next label is printed considerably later (e.g. in single-start
mode with footswitch), the following happens: The output field on label 2
contains the time, at which the same field on label 1 was printed.

Single-start mode

Label 1 is printed at 10.50 h, label 2 at 11.03 h. In this case, the imprint of
label 2 shows the time 10.50!

= Y

(Only group H - recommended for dispensers) The time is read repeatedly
during the printing of a label (approx. all 5 seconds).


j = Z

Field position centered, related to the print position.

= R

Field position right-justified, related to the print position. The field is built up
starting at the print position to the left side.


(Default setting) Field position left-justified, related to the print position. The
field is built up starting at the print position to the right side.


l = G

Plain copy line default position

= H

Plain copy line justified

= I

Plain copy line left-justified

= K

Plain copy line centered

= L

Plain copy line right-justified


r = Pnum Ratio of the bar code (2.0 to 3.0)

The default setting is 2.5. The letter P (proportion) must stand immediately
in front of the ratio (e.g. P2.5). A ratio without the letter P is invalid.

Observe the sequence: The ratio must be entered after the parameter d

(write direction)!


f = F

(Only group E) Field designation for exchanging data
(see description of exchanging data)


m = B

EAN/UCC mode with brackets around the data designator.
The data have to be sent in brackets! The brackets appear in the plain copy
line but not as bar code.

= X

EAN/UCC mode without brackets around the data designator.
Data have to be sent without brackets.

h = int

Bar code height:
0 = 5 mm, 1 = 10 mm, .... from 10 = actual height in mm
(e. g. 35 = 35 mm high). This value minus 1 is multiplied by the value in
parameter BCHI set at the printer.