Create guides, Move, delete, or release guides, Snap objects to anchor points and guides – Adobe Illustrator CC 2015 User Manual
Page 52: Smart guides, Use smart guides
Last updated 6/5/2015
Create guides
If the rulers aren’t showing, choose View > Show Rulers.
Position the pointer on the left ruler for a vertical guide or on the top ruler for a horizontal guide.
Drag the guide into position.
You can also convert vector objects to guides by selecting them and choosing View > Guides > Make Guides.
To make working with multiple guides easier, move them into a separate layer.
If you want to restrict the guides to an artboard and not to the entire canvas, then select the Artboard tool and then
drag the guides on to the artboard.
Move, delete, or release guides
If guides are locked, select View > Guides > Lock Guides.
Do any of the following:
• Move the guide by dragging or copying.
• Delete the guide by pressing Backspace (Windows) or Delete (Mac OS), or by choosing Edit > Cut or Edit > Clear.
• Delete all guides at once by choosing View > Guides > Clear Guides.
• Release the guide, turning it back into a regular graphic object, by selecting the guide and choosing View >
Guides > Release Guides.
Snap objects to anchor points and guides
Choose View > Snap To Point.
Select the object you want to move, and position the pointer on the exact point you want to align with anchor points
and guides.
Note: When snapping to a point, the snapping alignment depends on the position of the pointer, not the edges of the
dragged object.
Drag the object to the desired location.
When the pointer comes within 2 pixels of an anchor point or guide, it snaps to the point. The pointer changes from
a filled arrowhead to a hollow arrowhead when a snap occurs.
Smart Guides
Smart Guides are temporary snap-to guides that appear when you create or manipulate objects or artboards. They help
you align, edit, and transform objects or artboards relative to other objects, artboards, or both by snap-aligning and
displaying X, Y location and delta values. You can specify the type of smart guides and feedback that appear (such as
measurement labels, object highlighting, or labels) by setting the Smart Guides preferences.
To see a video on using smart guides, s
Use Smart Guides
Smart Guides are on by default.
Choose View > Smart Guides to turn guides on or off.