Adobe Illustrator CC 2015 User Manual

Page 354

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Importing, exporting, and saving

Last updated 6/5/2015

Before you click Save (Windows) or Export (Mac OS) in the Export dialog box, specify how to export multiple
artboards. If you want to export artboards as separate SWF files, select Use Artboards in the Export dialog box. To
export only a range of artboards, specify the range. Then click Save (Windows) or Export (Mac OS) and specify the
following options:


Specifies the preset option settings file to use for exporting. If you change the default settings, this option

changes to Custom. You can save a custom option settings as a new preset for reuse with other files. To save option
settings as a preset, click Save Preset.

Export As

Specifies how to convert Illustrator layers:

AI File To SWF File

Exports the artwork to a single frame. Select this option to preserve layer clipping masks.

AI Layers To SWF Frames

Exports the artwork on each layer to a separate SWF frame, creating an animated SWF.

AI Layers To SWF Files

Exports the artwork on each layer to a separate SWF file. The result is multiple SWF files, each

containing a single frame with the artwork from a single Illustrator layer.

AI Layers To SWF Symbols

Converts the artwork on each layer to a symbol and exports it to a single SWF file. AI layers

are exported as SWF Movie Clip symbols. The symbols are named using their corresponding layer names. For a video
on using symbols effectively between Illustrator and Flash, see


AI Artboards To SWF Files

Exports each of the selected artboards to a separate SWF file. This is the only option

available when you choose to preserve multiple artboards in the Save As dialog box. If you save a preset with this option
selected, you can use that saved preset only on files with multiple artboards.


Specifies the version of Flash Player for browsing imported files. The Compress File option isn’t available in

Flash version 5 and earlier. Dynamic Text and Input Text aren’t available in version 3 and earlier.

Clip To Artboard Size

Exports the Illustrator artwork within the selected artboard’s borders) to the SWF file. Any

artwork outside the borders will be clipped off. This option is checked and disabled when exporting multiple artboards.

Preserve Appearance

Select Preserve Appearance to flatten artwork to a single layer before export. Selecting this

option limits the editability of the file.

Compress File

Compresses the SWF data, resulting in a smaller file size. Note that Flash players prior to Flash Player 6

can’t open or display compressed files. Don’t use this option if you’re not sure what version of the Flash player the file
will be viewed on.

Export Symbols In The Panel

Exports all the symbols in the Symbols panel. If a symbol doesn’t have an active instance

in the artwork, the symbol isn’t included in the exported frames; however, it is available for use in the Flash Symbol
Library within the Flash Authoring environment.

Export Text As Outlines

Converts type to vector paths. Use this option to preserve the visual appearance of type in all

Flash players. If you prefer to have maximum text editing ability, deselect this option. (For a video on using text
effectively between Flash and Illustrator, see


Ignore Kerning Information For Text

Exports text without the kerning values.

Include Metadata

Exports the metadata associated with the file. Exported XMP information is minimized to keep file

size small. For example, thumbnails aren’t included.

Protect From Import

Prohibits users from modifying the exported SWF file.


Type a password to protect the file from being opened by unauthorized users or in applications other than

Adobe Flash.

Curve Quality

Determines the accuracy of the Bezier curves. A lower value decreases the exported file size with a slight

loss of curve quality. A higher value increases the accuracy of the Bezier curve reproduction, but results in a larger file

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