Specify how leading is measured in asian type, Rotate half-width characters in vertical text, Use tate-chu-yoko – Adobe Illustrator CC 2015 User Manual

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Last updated 6/5/2015

Tip: To revert an alternate glyph to its default form, select it and choose Revert To Default Forms from the Glyphs
panel menu. You cannot use this method to revert alternate glyphs that were applied using a character style.

Specify how leading is measured in Asian type


Select the paragraphs you want to adjust.


Choose a leading option from the Paragraph panel menu.

bottom-to-bottom leadingtop-to-top leadingleading in Asian typeAsian type:leading inTop-to-top Leading

Measures the spacing between lines of type from the top of one line to the top of the next line. When you use
top-to-top leading, the first line of type in a paragraph is aligned flush with the top of the bounding box.

Bottom-to-bottom Leading

For horizontal type, measures the space between lines of type from the type baseline.

When you use bottom-to-bottom leading, space appears between the first line of type and the bounding box. A
check mark indicates which option is selected.

note: The leading option you choose does not affect the amount of leading between lines, only how the leading is

Rotate half-width characters in vertical text

The direction of half-width characters, such as roman text or numbers, changes in vertical text. By default, half-width
characters are rotated individually.

If you don’t want half-width characters to rotate, deselect Standard Vertical Roman Alignment from the Character
panel menu.

More Help topics

Rotate type

Use tate-chu-yoko

Tate-chu-yoko (also called kumimoji and renmoji) is a block of horizontal type laid out within vertical type lines. Using
tate-chu-yoko makes it easier to read half-width characters such as numbers, dates, and short foreign words in vertical

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