Revolve options, Surface shading options, Revolve – Adobe Illustrator CC 2015 User Manual
Page 309: Options

Reshaping objects
Last updated 6/5/2015
Revolve options
Sets the number of degrees to revolve the path, between 0 and 360.
Specifies whether the object appears solid (Revolve Cap On
) or hollow (Revolve Cap Off
Adds distance between the revolve axis and the path, to create a ring-shaped object, for instance. You can enter
a value between 0 and 1000.
Sets the axis around which the object revolves, either the Left Edge or Right Edge.
Surface shading options
Lets you choose options for the shading surfaces:
Outlines the contours of the object’s geometry and makes each surface transparent.
No Shading
Adds no new surface properties to the object. The 3D object has the same color as the original 2D object.
Diffuse Shading
Makes the object reflect light in a soft, diffuse pattern.
Plastic Shading
Makes the object reflect light as if it were made of a shiny, high-gloss material.
note: Depending on what option you choose, different lighting options are available. If the object only uses the 3D Rotate
effect, the only Surface choices available are Diffuse Shading or No Shading.
Light Intensity
Controls the light intensity between 0% and 100%.
Ambient Light
Controls the global lighting, which changes the brightness of all the object’s surfaces uniformly. Enter a
value between 0% and 100%.
Highlight Intensity
Controls how much the object reflects light, with values ranging from 0% to 100%. Lower values
produce a matte surface, and higher values create a shinier-looking surface.
Highlight Size
Controls the size of the highlight from large (100%) to small (0%).
Blend Steps
Controls how smoothly the shading appears across the object’s surfaces. Enter a value between 1 and 256.
Higher numbers produce smoother shades and more paths than lower numbers.
Draw Hidden Faces
Displays the object’s hidden backfaces. The backfaces are visible if the object is transparent, or if
the object is expanded and then pulled apart.