Echelon i.LON SmartServer 2.0 User Manual
Page 63

i.LON SmartServer 2.0 Programming Tools User’s Guide
resource file set (the resource file set that has your manufacturer ID). To add network variable and
configuration property types to your UFPT, follow these steps:
1. Double-click the new UFPT, or right-click it and click Open on the shortcut menu. The Modify
Functional Profile dialog opens.
2. Expand the LonWorks\types\STANDARD resource file set (or expand your company’s FPM
resource file set to add user-defined data types), expand the Network Variables or Configuration
Properties folder in the Resource (left) pane.
3. Click and drag the target data type to the Mandatory NVs or Mandatory CPs folder in the
Profile (center) pane if the device interface used by the FPM must implement the target data type,
or drag the target data type to the Optional NVs or Optional CPs folder if the FPM device
interface has the option of implementing or not implementing the target data type.