Echelon i.LON SmartServer 2.0 User Manual

Page 260

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Appendix D – i.LON SmartServer Software License Agreement

(UFPT), which defines the NVs and CPs to which your FPM will read and write. The NodeBuilder
Resource Editor is available on the


.LON SmartServer 2.0 Programming Tools DVD. The UFPT

serves as the FBs specification for your FPM.

14. What is a resource file set?

These files define the external FBs of your FPM module. This includes the NVs and CPs to which
your FPM will read and write. The resource files set needs to be defined before you can start coding
your FPM. If the UFPT to be used by your FPM inherits from a standard functional profile template
(SFPT) then you don’t need to do anything. In many cases your FPM will have a custom look and will
require you to generate a new resource file set using the NodeBuilder Resource Editor.

A resource file set is company specific. If you don’t already have a LonMark company ID, you can
apply for one at


After you create a resource file set, you need to FTP it to your SmartServer and then reboot the
SmartServer. Your new resource file set is located under the lonWorks\types\user\name> folder on your computer. Copy the resource file set (the *.enu, *.fmt, *.fpt, *.is, and *.typ files)
to the root/lonWorks/types/user/ folder on the SmartServer flash disk. After
you copy your resource file set to the SmartServer, reboot the SmartServer so that the SmartServer can
use the new/modified files.

15. What is a Functional Profile Template (FPT)?

A functional profile template contains definitions of all the NVs and CPs that your FPM supports.
Your FPM must have a UFPT (user-defined FPT) that is defined in a Resource File Set. The UFPT is
created using the NodeBuilder Resource Editor.

16. Can I create an FPM based on a Standard Functional Profile Template (SFPT)?

No. You can create a User Functional Profile Template (UFPT) that inherits from an existing SFPT or
you can create a new UFPT from scratch.

17. What is a Model File?

A model file is used to create an XIF file for internal devices that use Static FBs. This is not needed
for Dynamic FBs. A XIF can only be made up of FPMs from the same manufacturer.

A model file uses the Neuron C programming language to describe the functional blocks, network
variables, and configuration properties in an FPM application. You do not need to be proficient in
Neuron C to create a model file for an FPM because the model file does not include executable code.

18. What is the


.LON SmartServer 2.0 LonWorks Interface Developer Tool LIBILON.EXE (Static

FBs only)?



.LON SmartServer 2.0 LonWorks Interface Developer Tool is a command line interface that

converts a model file (*.nc extension) to a static device interface (XIF) file. If you are integrating your
FPM application with the LonMaker tool, LNS tree, or another LNS application, your internal FPM
device must have a static interface.

This tool limits the XIF to 15 entries in the SmartServer internal device Address Table. This means
that an internal device based on this XIF file can have LonWorks Connection to only 15 different
devices. Once you create the XIF file you can modify the file to support more than 15 address Table
entries using the instructions below.

19. How can I change the XIF file to support more than 15 Address Table entries per Internal

Device (Static FBs only)?

You can modify the XIF file with a text editor like Notepad or WordPad (use text only). You can
modify both the address table entries and alias table entries.