Echelon i.LON SmartServer 2.0 User Manual
Page 130

Deploying Freely Programmable Modules on a SmartServer
7. Click OK. An internal device representing your FPM application is added to the bottom of the
LON channel tree.
8. Click Submit. You must wait approximately 15 seconds for the SmartServer to instantiate the
XIF file used for the internal device. Once the XIF has been instantiated, you can expand the
FPM device and its functional block to show the data points in the FPM application.
Note: The FPM device will be highlighted orange in the SmartServer tree, indicating that it not
commissioned. If you are running your L
network in LNS mode (LNS Auto or LNS
Manual) and you plan on using L
connections to bind the data points in your FPM
application, you must first commission your FPM device. See Commissioning FPM Devices later
in this chapter for more information on how to do this. You do not need to commission the FPM
device in order for it to run its application.