Echelon i.LON SmartServer 2.0 User Manual

Page 142

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Deploying Freely Programmable Modules on a SmartServer

To create Web connections with the data points declared in your FPM application, follow these steps:

1. If you want to use Web connection to bind the data points in your FPM application to data points

on SmartServers other than your local SmartServer, you can add one or more remote SmartServers
to the LAN. To add a remote SmartServer to the LAN, follow these steps:

a. Right-click the LAN icon, point to Add Host, and then click i.LON SmartServer 2.0 on the

shortcut menu.

b. The Setup – Remote i.LON SmartServer 2.0 Web page opens, and a SmartServer icon is

added to the tree view below the LAN icon.

c. Configure the SOAP/HTTP properties of the SmartServer. See Chapter 3 of the i.LON

SmartServer 2.0 User’s Guide for more information on configuring these properties.

d. Click Submit.

2. If you want to use Web connections to bind the data points in your FPM application to the data

points of external devices stored in an LNS network database, you can copy the data points on the
external devices from the LNS tree to the SmartServer tree via the LNS Proxy Web service. To do
this, follow these steps:

a. Follow the steps in Selecting LNS Network Management Services to install the Echelon i.LON

SmartServer 2.0 Enterprise Services, add an LNS Server to the LAN, and configure the
SmartServer to use LNS network management services (LNS Auto or LNS Manual).

b. In the LNS tree, expand the LNS network database, channel, device, and functional block

containing the network variable or configuration property to be added to the SmartServer tree,
right-click the network variable or configuration property, and then select Copy External NV
on the shortcut menu. To copy multiple network variables or configuration properties, click
one, and then either hold down CTRL and click all others to be copied or hold down SHIFT
and select another to select the entire range.