Echelon i.LON SmartServer 2.0 User Manual

Page 59

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i.LON SmartServer 2.0 Programming Tools User’s Guide


Note: If your company does not have a manufacturer ID, you can get a temporary
manufacturer ID from LonMark at

. In addition, if your company has

many FPM developers, it is recommended that you request temporary manufacturer IDs for
them. After you obtain your temporary manufacturer ID, you can enter it in the MMMMM
field of the Program ID box.

e. In the format (F) field of the Program ID box, enter 9 (this sets the Standard Development

Program ID flag).

f. In the channel (TT) field of the Program ID box, enter 04 if you have an FT-10 model of the

SmartServer or enter 10 if you have a PL-20 model of the SmartServer.

g. In the Resource File Set Name box, enter “FPM Development”, “FPM Examples”, or

something comparable.

h. Click OK.

4. Your company’s FPM resource file set is created and added to the resource catalog under the

<Your Company> folder in the LonWorks\types\user directory.