Translating the welcome.htm file – Echelon i.LON SmartServer 2.0 User Manual

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i.LON SmartServer 2.0 Programming Tools User’s Guide


4. Save the index.htm file.

5. Copy the index.htm file to the SmartServer. To do this, follow these steps:

a. Browse to the LonWorks\iLon100\images\iLon100 4.0<x> <Language>\web folder on your

computer (or other location where the index.htm file in your working copy of the
SmartServer embedded image is stored).

b. Use FTP to access the root/web folder on the SmartServer flash disk.

c. Copy the index.htm file on your computer to the root/web folder on the SmartServer flash


Translating the Welcome.htm File

You can translate the Welcome.htm file in the web/user/echelon/<language[_REGION] [_variant]>
folder in your working copy of the SmartServer embedded image. You can do the translation with
i.LON Vision 2.0, or you can do it with a text editor.

Translating the Welcome.htm File with i.LON Vision 2.0

You can translate the Welcome.htm file using i.LON Vision 2.0. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Copy your web\user\echelon\<language[_REGION] [_variant]> folder on your computer to the

SmartServer. To do this, follow these steps:

a. Browse to the LonWorks\iLon100\images\iLon100 4.0<x> <Language>\web\user\echelon

folder on your computer (or other location where your working copy of the SmartServer
embedded image is stored).

b. Use FTP to access the root/web/user/echelon folder on the SmartServer flash disk.

c. Copy the <language[_REGION] [_variant]> folder on your computer to the

root/web/user/echelon folder on the SmartServer flash disk.

2. Start i.LON Vision 2.0. To do this, click Start, point to Programs, point to Echelon i.LON

Vision 2.0 SmartServer 2.0, and then click i.LON Vision 2.0 SmartServer 2.0. i.LON Vision
2.0 opens.

3. Connect i.LON Vision 2.0 to your SmartServer. To do this, click Manage Connections in the

Sites pane on the left side, or click File and then click Site Manager. The Site Manager dialog