Echelon i.LON SmartServer 2.0 User Manual

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i.LON SmartServer 2.0 Programming Tools User’s Guide


• For FPM Applications.


Add an internal device using the above XIF (Static FBs) or the SmartServer’s v40
XIF (Dynamic FBs).


You may need to commission the internal device in order to use certain features
(e.g., when using L




connections with Static FBs)

• For FPM Drivers.


Nothing, once uploaded to the SmartServer you are done.

4. Do I need to re-compile my FPM code when I install a SmartServer Service Pack or


For most SmartServer service packs (SP) and upgrades (U), you do not have to re-compile your

The exceptions may be that you may want to use a new feature associated with the new service
pack/upgrade or there is a change to the SmartServer embedded firmware that affects FPMs. After
each service pack or upgrade, check the FPM ReadMe to see if your FPM code needs to be
compiled or rebuilt.

Additionally, the SmartServer will report a console port error during the boot process if the FPM
build version doesn’t match the SmartServer version. The FPM build version is the SmartServer
version used when compiling the FPM. For example, if you compiled the FPM with SmartServer
version 4.03, then the FPM build version is 4.03. During a reboot (or if you are using the



SmartServer 2.0 Programming Tool to download an FPM to the SmartServer), the SmartServer
will check the FPM build version to see if it is supported with the current SmartServer version. If
there is a problem, the SmartServer will then print an error message to the SmartServer console

5. What are internal devices?

An internal (virtual) device is an emulation of a device that resides on the SmartServer. An
internal device encapsulates one or more functional blocks, which are instances of the FPM
applications you have created with the


.LON SmartServer 2.0 Programming Tools. You can

create up to 10 internal devices on the SmartServer that can be used for FPM applications.

For Static Functional Blocks (FBs), you must create a XIF file for the internal device with the
LonWorks Interface Developer Tool LIBILON. The LIBILON tool limits the XIF Address Table
entries to 15. See instruction later in this FAQ on how to increase this value.

6. Can an internal FPM device have multiple applications (or FBs)?

Yes, a single internal device can have multiple FBs based on multiple FPMs.

For example, if you create three FPMs with each FPM using 2 input NVs and one output NV:

FPM 1 - Adder: in1 + in2 = out,
FPM 2 - Subtract: in1 – in2 = out,
FPM 3 - Multiplier: in1 * in2 = out

You can then add an internal device to the SmartServer (see internal device #1 in the figure below)
in which there are 3 FBs based on an Adder FPM, 2 FBs based on a Subtraction FPM and 3 FBs
based on a Multiplier FPM. You can add additional internal devices with a different number and
types of FBs (see internal device #2).