Echelon i.LON SmartServer 2.0 User Manual
Page 263

i.LON SmartServer 2.0 Programming Tools User’s Guide
data points on external devices, dynamic network variables added to the SmartServer’s internal
automated systems device [“i.LON App (Internal)” by default], and data points in FPM applications
and drivers.
You can add more than 1,000 data points, but you should periodically open the Setup - System Info
Web page to verify that SmartServer has enough resources (Spare Flash Blocks, Free Disk Space,
RAM, and CPU Utilization) to support the additional data points.
The amount of resources consumed by the SmartServer depends on the types and number of
applications running on the SmartServer (a Data Logger can consume a lot of resources). Note that the
static data points in the SmartServer’s built-in applications/ functional blocks do not count against the
1,000-data point limit
36. Can I access NV elements in a structured NV from FPM application module? (e.g., “value”
element in SNVT_switch type NV)?
Yes, structured NVs type fields or elements can be accessed directly or through temporary data point
variables. See Chapter 5 for more information on reading and writing to structured data points.
37. Does the FPM have access to the source address of an input NV or can it determine how many
or Web connections are connected to an input NV?
38. How fast can the FPM Timer run?
We recommend no faster than 100 ms.
39. Does the FPM provide support for LonTalk Explicit Messages?
40. Does the FPM have access to data point status information (for example, if the data point is
Yes, the FPM has read access to data point name, alias name, status, write priority, and last update.
See Chapter 5 for more information on reading these data point properties.
41. Can I determine which FB instance the FPM is currently running?
The best way to get the information is to look at the name property of one of the NVs that your are
using. Since the NVs and CPs are local to a FB instance, you can deternime the instance index number
from the name property.
The first step is to pick one of your NVs or CPs that you are using. Next get the full path name for the
NV/CP. From the return data strip out the FB index number.
In the example below, NV nviTemp is used to determine the FB index. FB index is then saved in a
local variable. This local variable is local to the FB instance. That is, no other instance of the FB can
access this variable. In this case local variable iFbNumber is used. Note local variables are declared
using a UFPT local variable.
// => section datapoint variable declarations. DO NOT REMOVE THIS SECTION'S COMMENT!
DECLARE( _0000000000000000_0_::SNVT_temp_p, nviTemp, INPUT_DP )
// <= section datapoint variable declarations. DO NOT REMOVE THIS SECTION'S COMMENT!
// My Code - Begin -------------------------------
DECLARE_FB_INSTANCE_LOCAL(int, iFbNumber); // LocalVariable
// My Ends - Begin -------------------------------
//determine the FB index in the initialization routine