Echelon i.LON SmartServer 2.0 User Manual
Page 22

e. In the channel (TT) field of the Program ID box, enter 04 if you have an FT-10 model of the
SmartServer or enter 10 if you have a PL-20 model of the SmartServer.
f. In the Resource File Set Name box, enter “FPM Development”, “FPM Examples”, or
something comparable
g. Click OK.
3. Expand the folder containing your company’s FPM resource file set, right-click the Functional
Profile Template folder, and then click New FPT on the shortcut menu.
4. Enter UFPTMath for the name of the new UFPT you created.
5. Double-click UFPTMath, or right-click it and click Open on the shortcut menu. The Modify
Functional Profile dialog opens.
6. Expand the LonWorks/types/STANDARD directory, expand the Network Variables folder, and
then click and drag the SNVT_count data point to the Mandatory NVs folder. In the Name
property, enter in1.
7. Repeat step 6, but name the new data point in2.
8. Repeat step 6, but name the data point out1 and select Output under the NV Settings box.
9. Click OK.
10. Generate your company’s updated FPM resource file set. To do this, right-click your company’s
FPM resource file set, and then click Generate Resources Set on the shortcut menu. The
Generate Resources Set dialog opens.
11. Click Yes to generate the updated FPM resource file set.
12. Copy your company’s updated FPM resource file set from the LonWorks\Types\User\<Your
Company> folder on your computer to the root/LonWorks/Types/User/<Your Company> folder on
the SmartServer flash disk. Note that you may need to create your User/<YourCompany> folder
on the SmartServer flash disk before copying your resource file set.
For more information on creating UFPTs for your FPMs, see Chapter 3, Creating FPM Templates.
For more information on using the NodeBuilder Resource Editor, see the NodeBuilder Resource Editor
User’s Guide.
Step 2: Creating and Copying the Device Interface (XIF) File
You can create the device interface used by your FPM. To create the device interface, you use a text
or programming editor such as Notepad to write a model file (.nc extension). In this model file, you
declare all the network variables and configuration properties that you added to the UFPT, and you
declare a functional block that implements an instance of that UFPT. After you create the model file,
you open a Command Prompt window and use the i.LON SmartServer 2.0 LonWorks Interface
Developer tool to convert your model file to a device interface (XIF) file. You then copy the XIF (.xif
extension) to the root/lonWorks/Import/<YourCompany> folder on the SmartServer flash disk.
To create the device interface (XIF) file your FPM application, follow these steps:
1. Open a text or programming editor on your computer such as Notepad.
2. Enter or copy the following code, which does the following: declares the three SNVT_count
network variables in UFPTMath, declares a functional block that instantiates UFPTMath, lists
implementations of the three SNVT_count network variables in UFPTMath, and defines a name
and an external name for the functional block.
input SNVT_count in1;
input SNVT_count in2;
output SNVT_count out1;