What will you see after an air bag inflates, What will you see after an air bag inflates? -67, A caution – GMC 2003 Envoy User Manual

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What Will You See After an Air Bag

Af(er the air bag inflates, 11 quickly deflales, so quickly
that some people rnay not even r-ealiie Ihe air bag
Inflated. Some components of the air bag module will be
hot for a short lime. These components include thg
stooring wheel hub for the drver's frontal air bag and the
fnsliument panel for Ihg right froni pa sponger's fronlal
air bag. For vehicles wilh side impact air bags, the side

of the saatback cJosest to the driver's and/or right
hont passenger's door will be hot. The parts of the bag
that come into contact wilh you may he warm, but
not too hot to touch. There wil'l be some smoke and dusl
coming froim the vents in the deflaled air bags. Air
bag Inflation doesn't prevgni the driver from seeing or
being able to sieer the vehicig. nor does ii stop
peopJe from feaving the vehicle.


When an air bag intfates, there Is dust in the
air This duat could cause breathing problama

for people with a history of asthma or other

breathing trouble. To avoid this, everyone in
the vehicle shnuEd gel out as soon as it is safe
to da £□. If you have breathing problems but
can't get cut of the vehicle after an air bag
inflatea, then get fresh air by opening a
window or a door. If you experience breathirig
prablems following an air bag depicyment, you
should seek medical attention.

Vour vehicle has a feature lhat will aolomaitcally unlock
the doors and turn (be interior lamps on when the ait
bags inflatQ [it battery power is available). You can lock

the doors again and turn the interior lamps of! by
using The door lock and interior lamp controls.
