Râdto messages, Playing a compact disc – GMC 2003 Envoy User Manual

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When a If^rfic announcement comes on Ihe current
station or on a refated network station, you will hear it,
even if (he volume is muted or a compact disc hs
playing. Tihe traffic symbol and TRAP will appear on the
display wfiifa the announcemenl plays. IÎ the compacl
d<5C player was bemg used, play will stop rfurirtg
the announcement.

Traffic Interrupt FesLuret Your radio can Inlerrupt Ihe
play ol a CD Press the TRAP button. The radio will

seek tg a statian lhat broadcasts Iralltc announcements
When the radio finds a station lhat broadcasts traffic
announcerrients, ir will stop. TRAP will appear on
iha display. When a traffic announcement comes on the
station that was found, you will hear it. When tha
tnaffic annguncgimont is over, the radio will resume piay
of the CD. If no station is found. NO TRAP will appear
on !tie display,

Râdto Messages

CAL ERR (Calibration Errorli: This message is
displayed when the radio has not oeen calibrated
property for the vehicle. Vou musi return to tha
dealership fgr servioo,



This message displayed when fhe

THEFTLOCK'''^ system Mas locked up. Vgu must return
to ihe dealership for servico..

Playing a Compact Disc

Insert a dtso parfway into the slot, label side up. The
player will pult ll In and The disc should begin playing

The display will show the CD syrnhol. If you wqnl

to Inserì a compact disc with Ihe ignilion off, first press




h an error appears on Ihe d^splay, see "Compact Disc
Messages” later in ihig seotion.


PREV (Previous); Press this pushbutton to go to the

previous track il the cuirrenf track has beeio playing
for less Than eight seconds. It pressed when the current

(rack has baan playing tor more than eight seconds.

will go to the beginning oi the cunent track. TRACK

and the track numbor will appear on the display. If
you hold this pushbutton or press il more than once.
Ihe player will continue moving back through the disc.


Press ihis pushbutton lo go to the next track

TRACK and the track number will appear on ihe display,

If you hold (his pushbuftgn or press it more than once, Ihe

player will conlinue moving iorwand through ihe disc.

3 REV (Reverse): Press arid hold this pushbulton lo

rever&E quickly within a track. Press and hold this

pushbutton for less ihan two seconds to reverse at sis(
times Ihe normal playlng speed. Press and hofd i1 for
more than iwo seconds to reverse at 17 times the normal
playing speed. Release it (o play Ihe passage.
The display will show ET and ihe elapsed lime.

4 FWD (Forward): Prass and hold thks pushbutlon to
