Cleanirig exterior lamps/lenses, Finish care, Protecting exterior bright metai parts – GMC 2003 Envoy User Manual
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Cleanirig Exterior Lamps/Lenses
only luke^anri ЧГ cDici a sofl cloth and a car
Washing soap to dean eicterior 1атпр5 and lenses,
follow indructions uncfnr "Washing Your Vehicle"
Finish Care
Occasional waxmg or mild polishing of your vahiclo by
hand may Lie necessary to remove residue from ihe
paini (inish. You can gai GM-approved cleaning products
Irom your dealer. See
GM Vef^ide Care/Appearance
M atenais on page 5-83.
If youf vehicle has a "basecoat/dearcoat" paint finish
The clearcoal gives more depth and gloss [o (he coiorad
basecoat Always use wanes and polishes ihal are
iion-abrasive and made for a tiaseCoai/clearcoat
paini finish
Machine compounding or aggressive
polishing on a baaeco^it/clearcoat paint finish глзу
dull the finish or leave swirl marks-
Foretgn maierials such as calcium chiohde and other
salts, ice melting agents, road oil and !ar, tree sap,
bird droppings, chemicals Irom industrial chirnneys, elc..
can damage your vehicle's finish if they remain on
painted surfaces. Wash ihe vehicle as soon as possible.
If necessary, use non-abrasive deaners that are marked
safe for painted surfaces to ramove foreign matter.
Exieriof painietf surfaces are subject
aging, weather
and chemicai faJioul that can lake their loll over a
penod of years. You can help to keep ihe pamt fmish
tooklng new by keeping your Vehtde garaged Or covered
whenever passible.
Protecting Exterior Bright Metai Parts
Srtghl metal parts should be cleaned regularly lo keep
their luster. Washing wilh water is ah that is usually
nsedgd, However, you may use chrome polish on
chrome or stainless steel trim, if necessary.
Use special cane wilh aluminum trim. To avoid damaging
protecttvB trim, never use auto or chrome polish,
stoam or causlic soap to clean aluminum. A coaling of
wak, rubbed to high poflsh, is recommended lor all
bright metal parts