When should an air bag inflate, A caution – GMC 2003 Envoy User Manual

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If something is between an ocoupent and an
air bag, the bag might not inllate properly or it
might force the object into that person causing
severe injury or even death. The path oi an

inflating air bag must be kept clear. Don't put

anything between an occupant and an air bag,
and don't attach or put anything on the

steering wheel hub or on or near any other air
bag covering. Don't let seat covers block the
Inflation path of a side impscl air bag.

When Should an Air Bag Inflate?

The driver's and right front passenger's frontal air bags

are designed to inflate in modofale to severe Iron la I

or n^ardronlal crashes. But they are designed (o inflate


Ihe impact speed is above



designed Thneshold feveh'"

In addition, yout vehicle has "dual stage" froniai air
bags, which adjust the amount of restraint accurding lo

crash seventy. For moderate from a! I m pads, these
air bags inflate at a level less


full deployment.

For more severe froniat Impacts, full deployrreni occurs.
ÍÍ thfl froni of your vehrde goes siraighi into a wall
that doosn'1 move or dclorm, the threshold level for the
reduced deploymeni js about to 15 mph
( 19 lo 25 кт/Н}н and Ihe threshold leva I for a full

deploy mont is about 1É to 2S mph (26 to



The threshold levetcan vary, however, with specific
vehicle design, so that il cart be somewhat above
or below this range.

n your vehicle strikes somelhing that will move or

doform, such asa parked car. ihe threshold level will

be higher. The diver's and right front passenger's frontal

aif bags are not designed to intlaio m rollovers, rear

Impacts, or In mapty side impacts because inllEition

would not help the occupant.

Your vehicle may or may not have a side impact air
bag. See Air Bag Systems In Ihe Index. Side impact air
bags are designed to inflate in moderate to sevora
side crashes. A side Impact air bag wHI Inflate if
the crash severity is above the system's designed
"threshold level.'" The thresh□([! Eavel can vary with
specific vehicle design. Side Smpaci air bags are
not designed tO' inflate in trontol or noar-frontal Impacts,
rollovora Or rear impacts, because Inllahon would not
help the occupant. A side Impact air bag will only daplcy
on the sido oí the Vehicle that is slruck.
