GMC 2003 Envoy User Manual
Page 429
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Trip Fiouting:
Custam-made, computenz&d highlighted
maps using Iho mpst direcl or scenic touts ate provided
free of charge. Maps incfode points ol intorqst and a
list of GMC dealers along the toute. Also included is s
list of hotels along the route thal are discouniecf
through affiliation wilh "Quest JnternationaL’ Trip Roulmg
IS available through Roadside Assistance by calling
1‘a00-GMC‘a7B2 (462’В7В2), Please he prepared to
provide your Vehicle IdentififCatiQni Number (VIN). Allow
five wortiing days for fulfill mem.
Trip htemjption Assist&ncs:
GMC will reimburse any
Tiea&onable trip interruption expenses (up to S50Ы.ЫЫ)
when directly associated with wartonfy disablement. Tnp
in-terruption service covers expenses such as meals
and overnight lodging if vehicle disablemeni occurs ct
least ISO miles {240 km) from your home or reniai
property. You will be required to obtain prior approval
from GMC Roadside Assislance and pay for expenses
at the time of disablement. Original receipts srtüuld
be submitted to GMC Foadsido Assistance for
roimbursemenl. A service representative will provide
assistance when you call.
Tha Roadside Assistance services listed are fivallable lo
retail loose cuslomers oporating 2D03 GMC light duly
trucks tor a period of 3 yeafs/36,000 miles (S0,0Q0 km).
All services must be pre-arranged by GMC Roedside
Over-the-phone assistance,, such as providing iha name
of tha closest dealer or mrnor technical advice, etc..
Is available to all owner/operators of GMC trucks,
regardless of vehicle or mileage.
Just dial GMC Roadside Assistance al l'B0Q-GMC-e7a2
(1-е00'462-в7Э2, Roadside Assistance pron>p1) to
reach a qualified representaiive who can assisi you,
ToKi tala phone (TTY) users, call 1-авЭ-Ё00-243&.
Your Roadside Assistance representaiive will ask lor the
following inlormation when your call is received:
• Vehicle Iclentirication Mumper (VIN)
■ Namo and home address
• Telephone number and location from which you ara
• Location, licen&e plate number and color of your
GMC truck
• Mileage of vehicle and description of problem
Roadside Assistance Is available 24 hours a day. 7 days
a week. 355 days a year. Including weekends and
holidays. Should you have any questions about roadside
assistance, call the GMC Roadside Assistance Center
or contact youi dealer,
RemöSide Assistance is
rrof part
of or inckided it) the
coverage provided by
fhe fVew
Vehiclf? LimitBd Warranty,
Ш е rigtti to make any
irtenpes or
discontinue the Roadside Assistance program at
anytime without notification.