GMC 2003 Envoy User Manual
Page 407
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7.500 Miles {12 500 km)
□ Chech rearyinoni a île Huid level and add fluid as
needed. Check conslant velocity joints and aule seals
fot leaking.
U Rotate tires. See
Tire fnspeclton and
pafire S-SSfor proper rotalien pattern and addi! ion al
(See footnote
15,000 Miles (25 000 km)
J Inspect engine air cteaner filler rf you are driving
In dusty conditions. Replace filler li necassary.
An emission Contre} Service. {See footnote t,}
Check rear/Front axle Ruid level end add ftuid as
needed. Check conslant velocity joints and axle seals
tor leakir^g.
Ü Rotate lires. Sec
Tire insfiection and Rotation
page 5-58 fof
proper rota lion pattern and addìiional
(See footnote +.}
22.500 Miles (37 500 km)
J Check rear/frcni axle fluid level and add fluid as
needed. Check constant velocity joints and ая1е seals
for leaking.
J Rotate tires. See
Tire inspection and Rotation on
page 5^58
for proper rotation pattern and additional
{See footnote
Check rearyfronl axle fluid level and add fluid as
r^eeded. Check constant valocity joinls and axle seals
tor laakmg.
U Rotate tires. See
Tire inspection and Rotation on
page 5-56
lor proper rolalion patlem and additional
(See footnote +.)
_i Replace fuel filter,
An Emission Controi Service.
{Sea footnote f.)
Zi Replace engine air cleaner filter. Ал
Coniroi Servios.
37,500 Miles (62 500 km)
■J Check fear/lfonl axle fluid level and add fluid as
needed. Check conatant velocity joinls and axltj seals
1or leaking.
■J Rotate tires. See
Tire inspection and Rotation an
page 5-58
For proper rolalion paltem and additional
(See footnote -i-.}
30,000 Miles (50 000 km)